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"The most important thing you need to know about me is I love Jesus, He is my savior, and my heart's desire is to please Him."
Ministry has always been a vital part of Jan's life as she was born into the home of a pastor and a musically gifted family. She experienced a new birth in Christ when she was seven years old, and at that tender age became aware that God had placed a calling on her life.
Throughout her teens, she sang as a soloist. Then, as a young adult she married and God blessed the home of Jan and Sherman with two beautiful and multi-talented daughters, Carter-Ann and Olivia. For many years they traveled as a family group all up and down the east cost. Their first radio release was a revival of the old song "We're Not Home Yet, Children." Radio DJ's loved this song. As time would have it, the girls grew up and became involved in their own ministries, their dad moved to Heaven, and Jan continues to work as a soloist.
She has written several songs that landed on gospel charts throughout the nation, most notably that of the Singing News Magazine. A few of those titles include Noah's Song, He Sees the Lamb, and Sweetest Name I Know.
From the coast of South Carolina, Jan travels and sings across many state lines.
Pastors and music ministers have so graciously opened doors for her. What a wonderful work and fresh anointing she will bring to your church.
Dr. Carolyn R. Malphrus

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